My introduction to the sport of purebred
dogs began with Irish Setters, but that quickly
changed in 1999 with the addition of a black and tan puppy bitch purchased
from Dachshire Kennels. Ch. Dachshire Last Laugh ROMO
(pictured right) became our foundation
bitch and the cornerstone of Insight Dachshunds.
My goal has been
simple: to produce healthy companions with the same sweet, loving
temperments that attracted me to this
versatile breed. At the same time, hoping for an
occasional puppy who could successfully compete at specialties and in turn
produce the traits that I value.
Over the past 10 years I've been fortunate to
have produced multiple Best in Show, BISS and
group winners. None of this could have been accomplished without the help of
wonderful friends who either shared their stud
dogs or campaigned our dogs. They have been a vital key
to our success, and a simple thank you just doesn't seem to be
hope you enjoy the pictures and profiles of our dachshunds. Please feel
free to call or email me with any questions you
might have.
Show Dog Designs-2010 |